Kamis, 22 November 2012

Hal Positif Payudara Kecil


Banyak wanita yang tidak percaya diri bila memiliki ukuran payudara yang kecil. Bahkan tidak sedikit wanita yang akhirnya melakukan operasi payudara dengan implant atau silikon agar terlihat lebih besar.
Namun apakah Anda mengetahui payudara kecil sekarang sedang trend dalam dunia kecantikan dan fashion? The New York Times melaporkan bahwa wanita Amerika merasa cukup bahagia memiliki payudara kecil dan beranggapan wanita berpayudara besar tidak selamanya baik.

Jadi, sekarang Anda tidak perlu minder lagi. Banyak keuntungan wanita yang memiliki payudara dengan ukuran kecil. Seperti dikutip she knows, berikut manfaat payudara kecil.

1. Mudah dalam posisi apapun

Anda dapat tidur dengan posisi apapun senyaman Anda. Tidak perlu merasakan ketidaknyamanan di               bagian dada. Begitu juga bila Anda sedang menyusui, tidak perlu merasa sulit untuk mencari posisi yang nyaman.

2. Mudah melakukan gerakan olahraga

Anda dapat berlari, berloncat bahkan melakukan gerakan olahraga yang menguras aktivitas fisik seca nyaman, tanpa mengkhawatirkan guncangan yang akan terasa di bagian payudara. Anda pun tidak akan merasa sesak nafas karena disebabkan oleh ukuran payudara.

3. Bisa mengenakan variasi model bra

Model bra yang banyak dijual di pasaran didesain untuk wanita yang payudara rata-rata. Anda tidak akan mengalami kesulitan untuk mencari model-model bra yang unik, pas dan nyaman dikenakan.

4. Tidak perlu risih tampil di depan umum

Bila memiliki payudara berukuran kecil, Anda akan terhindar dari pria iseng yang mencoba menggoda ketika berpapasan di jalan. Hal tersebut yang banyak dikeluhkan oleh wanita pemilik payudara besar.

5. Bentuk payudara tidak akan turun

Wanita yang memiliki payudara berukuran besar disaat usianya yang bertambah maka bentuk payudara pun turun. Namun, bagi Anda pemilik payudara kecil tidak perlu khawatir hal itu akan terjadi, walaupun Anda telah memiliki anak.

Kencangkan Payudara

Jangan hanya kulit wajah saja yang butuh kencang dan lembut?

Ada satu daerah kulit yang diabaikan wanita. Coba tebak, di mana hayo? Hmmm... benar. Daerah payudara adalah daerah sensitif yang seringkali diabaikan perawatannya. Dianggap sebagai daerah yang tidak terlihat, sehingga kita cenderung menomorduakannya. Padahal, bagaimanapun payudara perlu dirawat juga agar kencang alami.

Seiring dengan bertambahnya usia, payudara juga bisa keriput dan kehilangan kekencangannya. Nah, di saat ini payudara cenderung turun dan tidak segar.
Jangan khawatir, ladies. Ada dua langkah praktis yang bisa dilakukan untuk menjaga kekencangan payudara secara alami.

Langkah 1:
Lakukan pemijatan payudara dengan Minyak Mujisat Kencang Payudara. Manfaat minyak ini adalah untuk memperlancar peredaran darah pada bagian payudara serta mencegah terjadinya kerut di sekitar payudara. Kandungan minyak bulus, ekstrak bunga melati dan minyak zaitunnya aman digunakan karena terbuat dari bahan-bahan alami.

Cara memijat payudara:

Ambil beberapa tetes minyak, dan ratakan di kedua telapak tangan Anda.
Lakukan gerakan memutar berlawanan arah antara satu bagian payudara dengan payudara lain. Pijatan di awali dari arah dalam ke luar.
Lakukan pemijatan cukup 2-3 menit saja, 3 kali dalam seminggu.

Langkah 2:

Untuk mencegah keriput dan membuatnya tetap kencang dan indah, maskerkan Masker Payudara Sariayu. Mengandung ekstrak daun andong, serta biji-bijian yang menjaga kekencangan payudara agar tetap alami.

    Larutkan masker dalam air mawar.
    Maskerkan merata pada seluruh bagian payudara dan biarkan hingga kering.
    Bilas dengan air hangat dan rasakan perbedaan kekencangannya.
    Lakukan 2 kali seminggu.


Keputihan atau dalam bahasa kedokteran disebut leukore atau flour albus, adalah cairan yang keluar dari vagina/liang kemaluan secara berlebihan. Dalam keadaan normal, cairan ini tidak sampai keluar, namun belum tentu cairan yang keluar tersebut merupakan suatu penyakit.
Sebenarnya keputihan dapat dibedakan atas gejala keputihan yang timbul. Gejala tersebut bisa diamati dari sifat sifat cairan yang keluar saat keputihan berlangsung. Sumber cairan sendiri bisa berasal dari vagina, cairan leher rahim, cairan uterus, dan cairan yang berasal dari tuba falopii.

Bila cairan yang keluar jernih, berlendir banyak namun tidak berbau maka hal ini merupakan sesuatu yang normal terjadi saat seorang wanita menjelang menstruasi, kelebihan hormon estrogen dan stress. Keputihan seperti ini juga sering dijumpai pada wanita hamil.
Jika cairan yang keluar seperti susu kental, lengket, sangat banyak dengan bau yang tidak begitu mencolok maka kemungkinan telah terjadi radang pada serviks/leher rahim (servisitis) dan vagina (vaginitis).

Cairan yang keluar berwarna coklat, encer seperti air, sangat banyak dan lembab, maka kemungkinan wanita tersebut menderita vaginitis, servisitis, gangguan pembuluh darah pada serviks, endometriosis dan saat pengobatan kanker dengan radiasi. Warna coklat timbul akibat perdarahan yang terjadi akibat kelainan tersebut.

Bila cairan berwarna abu abu dengan garis darah, encer seperti air, sangat banyak dan berbau busuk yang keluar dari vagina, maka kemungkinan wanita tersebut menderita ulkus vagina, vaginitis. Kemungkinan lain yang sangat perlu diwaspadai adalah kanker baik ganas maupun jinak.

 Jika cairan yang keluar berwarna merah muda, cair, sangat banyak tetapi tidak berbau maka kemungkinan telah terjadi infeksi bakteri non spesifik. Gejala ini juga timbul saat seorang wanita kelebihan hormon estrogen.

Bila cairan yang keluar putih, encer berbintik bintik banyak, berbau apek disertai dengan nyeri saat buang air kecil serta gatal di sekitar kemaluan maka kemungkinan wanita tersebut menderita infeksi yang disebabkan oleh jamur. Candida albicans adalah jamur yang paling sering hinggap di kemaluan seorang wanita.

Bila cairan yang keluar kuning kehijauan, berbusa, merah, sangat banyak, gatal, berbau busuk dan ditemukan nyeri tekan pada sekitar kemaluan serta kemerahan pada vagina, maka kemungkinan telah terjadi infeksi yang disebabkan oleh kuman protozoa Trichomonas vaginalis.

Terakhir, bila cairan yang keluar berwarna kuning, kental, sangat banyak, terasa panas dan gatal pada kemaluan, nyeri tekan pada daerah sekitar kemaluan, nyeri saat buang air kecil, maka kemungkinan infeksi yang disebabkan oleh Nisseria gonorrhoe atau lebih beken disebut GO.

Apabila anda menjumpai keputihan yang tidak baik sebagaimana uraian diatas, ada baiknya berkonsultansi dengan dokter terdekat. Keterlambatan pengobatan akan membuat komplikasi. Umumnya adalah kuman yg telah naik ke panggul sehingga terjadi penyakit yang dikenal dengan penyakit radang panggul. Komplikasi jangka panjang ldapat menimbulkan kemandulan akibat rusak dan lengketnya organ organ dalam kemaluan (contoh: tuba fallopii)

Kebersihan Organ Intim Jangan dianggap sepele

Bagi  Anda kaum Hawa setiap waktu pasti ingin selalu terlihat bersih dan cantik. Biasanya, untuk  bisa terlihat selalu menarik sebagian perempuan tidak jarang rela menghabiskan waktu berjam-jam dan uang puluhan juta di salon atau klinik kecantikan.
Sah-sah saja jika hal tersebut Anda dilakukan. Tapi, yang harusnya juga Anda perhatikan adalah perawatan tubuh hendaknya dilakukan secara keseluruhan. Bukan hanya perawatan kecantikan tangan, wajah, kaki atau juga rambut semata. Sementara perawatan yang mengarah pada organ intim justru Anda abaikan. Padahal, perawatan organ intim bagi perempuan adalah hal yang sangat penting.
Ini karena bagian organ intim perempuan sangat rentan terhadap serangan kanker rahim atau biasa disebut kanker serviks. Sampai saat ini, kanker satu ini merupakan musuh terbesar bagi kaum perempuan. Setiap tahunnya ada sekitar 100 ribu perempuan menjadi korban kanker rahim.

 Kanker mulut rahim ini adalah kanker yang terdapat di serviks uterus, daerah organ produksi perempuan yang merupakan pintu masuk ke arah rahim, terletak di antara rahim dengan liang vagina. Menurut penelitian terbaru, salah satu penyebab kanker mulut rahim adalah virus HPV (Human Papilloma Virus).

Gejala-gejala Kanker Rahim

Keputihan yang lama bahkan sampai mengeluarkan bau dan terjadinya pendarahan pada saat melakukan hubungan seksual merupakan salah satu gejala kanker leher rahim. Stadium awal, kanker mulut rahim sulit terdeteksi. Praktis tidak ada keluhan yang muncul. ”Gejala awal kadang nggak nampak, karena memang kadang nggak ada keluhan rasa sakit,”
Namun, pada stadium 4, sel kanker akan menjalar ke otak, paru-paru dan beberapa organ tubuh lainnya. Hampir 90 persen kanker mulut rahim itu terdapat di epitel permukaan, di mana ditemukan keadaan yang disebut pembakal kanker mulut rahim atau prakanker, mulai dari yang ringan sampai yang menjadi karsinoma in situ atau stadium nol.

Semuanya dapat didiagnosis dengan screening. Pada stadium awal sel kanker bisa menyebar ke daerah mulut rahim. Konidisi prakanker sampai karsinoma in situ sering tak menunjukkan gejala karena berada dalam lapisan epitel dan belum menimbulkan perubahan yang nyata.
Pada stadium kedua, gejala yang timbul adalah keputihan, pendarahan pasca senggama dan keluarnya cairan encer dari vagina. “Jika sudah invasif, akan ditemukan gejala seperti pendarahan spontan, keluar keputihan dan rasa tak nyaman pada saat akan melakukan hubungan seksual,” 

Pencegahan primer  untuk kanker serviks,dapat dilakukan melalui perubahan pola hidup sehat seperti diet atau suplemen, vaksinasi profilaksi dan reduksi faktor-faktor risiko. Selain itu juga menghindari punya pasangan seks pria yang banyak.

Kemudian mengonsumsi asupan nutrisi yang baik, hal ini dinyakini dapat mengatasi masalah kanker mulut rahim. Dari hasil penelitian, mendapatkan hubungan yang terbalik antara konsumsi sayuran berwarna hijau tua dan kuning (banyak mengandung bethakaroten atau vitamin A, vitamin C dan vitamin E) dengan kejadian neoplasia intra epithelial juga kanker serviks.
“Artinya semakin banyak makan sayuran berwarna hijau tua dan kuning, maka akan semakin kecil risiko untuk kena penyakit kanker mulut rahim Jadi bagi kaum perempuan, rajin mengonsumsi sayuran ternyata tidak saja dapat berguna untuk kesegaran tubuh dan juga membantu untuk mencegah penyakit yang cukup membuat bulu merinding ini,” 

Sedangkan pencegahan secara sekunder, atau dengan cara medik, yakni  meliputi deteksi dini atau penapisan dengan tujuan menurunkan kejadian penyakit dengan menemukan sebelum menimbulkan gejala dan memulai pengobatan seawal mungkin.
Pada serviks pencegahannya dapat dilakukan melalui tes Pap (papsmear), deteksi adanya virus papiloma manusia dan teknik baru yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan tes pap dan deteksi virus papiloma manusia.”Karena proses dari normal sampai menjadi itu memerlukan waktu yang agak lama,  tidak mungkin setelah 6 bulan tes Pap langsung positif,”
Untuk pencegahan, lakukan tes Pap setelah usia 25 tahun atau setelah aktif berhubungan seksual dengan frekuensi dua kali dalam setahun. Bila dua kali tes Pap berturut-turut menghasilkan negatif, maka tes Pap dapat dilakukan sekali setahun.
Selain itu juga ada pencegahan tertier, biasanya ditujukan kepada penderita yang sudah menunjukkan adanya penyakit dan gejala penyakit.
Tujuannya adalah menurunkan kekambuhan atau menemukan kekambuhan seawal mungkin. Cara pengobatan yang dilakukan terhadap penderita  adalah operasi, radioterapi dan kemoterapi. “Karena itulah, semakin dini kita memeriksakan diri, semakin mudah penangannya dan semakin besar harapan untuk tidak terkena penyakit ini,”

Waspadai Haid tidak teratur ?

Haid tidak Teratur? Penyebab dan Solusinya
Hal ini banyak dialami oleh seorang wanita. Setiap wanita yang memasuki usia pubertas  pasti akan mengalami haid pertama yang disebut menarche. Seharusnya kita mendapat haid setiap bulan sekali, namun di saat-saat awal menstruasi pertama sampai ketiga mungkin tidak atau belum teratur, dan ini wajar saja.
Yang saya maksud menulis artikel ini , adalah menstruasi pada wanita dewasa yang sudah biasa mendapatkan haid secara teratur setiap bulan, lantas tiba-tiba siklus haidnya terganggu, maju atau mundur, dan lain-lain. Apa dan bagaimana haid tidak teratur itu?
Haid normal adalah haid yang terjadi selama beberapa hari sampai satu minggu lamanya setiap satu siklus. Banyaknya perdarahan pervaginam pada haid normal diukur dengan berapa kali kita mengganti pembalut wanita setiap harinya pada siklus haid.
Idealnya, siklus haid yang teratur setiap bulanya rentang waktu normal  antara 21 sampai 35 hari setiap kali periode haid.  
Haid normal, bila kita mengganti pembalut maximalnya tiga kali sehari, tidak tergantung aktivitas yang anda kerjakan pada hari itu. Banyak olah raga atau hanya mengerjakan pekerjaan di kantor, sama saja yaitu maximal tiga kali ganti pembalut per hari. Apabila lebih dari itu, disebut menorrhagia, keadaan tidak normal. Sebaliknya ada juga yang tetap berdarah diluar siklus haid, hal inipun  tidak normal  dan disebut metrorrhagia. Bila perdarahan tetap banyak didalam dan diluar siklus haid, ini yang disebut meno-metrorrhagia dan hal ini cukup mengkhawatirkan. Bila anda mengalami seperti itu, cepatlah periksa ke dokter kebidanan, karena tidak boleh dibiarkan berlama-lama..

Meno-metrorrhagia perlu ditelusuri lebih lanjut, dicari penyebabnya, sehingga segera dapat diatasi. Perdarahan yang dibiarkan lama, maka  anemia menjadi satu kondisi yang pasti akan dialami dan membahayakan keselamatan disamping adanya gangguan hormonal serta kemungkinan telah terjadi kanker yang mengenai korpus uteri, bagian dari rahim dimana biasanya janin tumbuh dan berkembang.
Kemungkinan kanker korpus juga harus diwaspadai, bila pada seorang menopause yang tiba-tiba mendapat haid lagi setelah bertahun-tahun mati haid (amenorrhea). Jangan buang waktu, segeralah kunjungi dokter kebidanan, agar dapat dilakukan pertolongan secepatnya. Kita berpacu dengan waktu, karena kanker korpus sangat cepat perjalanan penyakitnya, bahkan begitu cepat menyebar ke paru-paru yang biasanya berakhir dengan kematian dalam waktu singkat…

Pada gangguan hormonal dengan mudah akan diberikan hormon yang sesuai, sehingga permasalahan  dapat diatasi. Jadi jangan sepelekan soal menstruasi yang tidak teratur ini. Selalu alert dan waspada akan segala hal yang mungkin terjadi, luangkan waktu anda untuk memperhatikan hal-hal yang tidak beres dalam diri anda sendiri.

Siapa lagi yang paling peduli akan kesehatan tubuh sendiri, kalau bukan anda seorang. Jadi mulailah dengan mencatat hal-hal kecil seperti menstruasi yang perlu anda ketahui dengan pasti kapan mulainya dan sudah berapa hari, agar secara biologis, semua proses alami didalam tubuh berjalan normal…

Rabu, 21 November 2012

Treatment of Burns

There are several cases of burns among each other depending on the type of tissue that is affected by burns, severity, and complications arising from the injury.

Dangerous because it burns damage the skin that serves to protect us from dirt and infection. The skin also plays a role in body temperature regulation and disposal of waste through sweat. If a lot of body surface burned, there are plenty of life-threatening danger due to damage to the blood vessels, airways obstruction, electrolyte imbalance and body temperature, as well as impaired nerve function.

Overcoming burns should not be arbitrary. First aid treatment becomes an important aspect, especially in order to stop the heat, cool the wound, and cover the wound so as not to worsen. Burns often occur in the home. Generally, injuries from the heat source and the cold temperatures, high shock electric shock, chemicals, light, and radiation.

In handling, the course will vary, depending on the type of affected tissue burns, severity, and complications arising from the injury. Today many people are less precise in addressing burns so ujungujungnya even worsen the situation.

"Not just the death, length of treatment and high costs, severe burns and scars can cause defects in the skin which will cause emotional distress or trauma and severe psychological disorders in patients," said Dr. Aditya Wardhana SpBP (K), a specialist plastic surgery of the Faculty of medicine / RSCM.

According to him, first aid on burns victims is important. It is useful to stop the heat, cool the wound, and cover the wound. For the first step, said Aditya, stop by the fuel away or turn off the heat source. For those of you who hit major-extensive burns burns over 25% of the body surface in adults and more than 20% in children, stop the burning process immediately away from sources of ignition.

Cover the body with a cloth, sheet or wet sacks. Fire can be extinguished by bergulingguling on the ground. After that, loose or dislodged objects or accessory that is still attached to the body such as clothing, jewelry, watches, and so on.

 "Go straight to the hospital," he said. As for those who are affected by minor burns less than 10% body surface area, cool the burn with water flowing temperature of 15 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes.

It is useful for cooling, decrease pain, and reduce edema or swelling.

"The heat in the skin will move into the flowing water," he said. Do not wash the body with water ice because the ice can cause blood vessels to constrict so will aggravate degree burns and risk.

Aditya who spoke in the seminar and workshop Emergency Fair and Festival (E-FAST) in the Hall of Faculty of Medicine, Salemba, Jakarta some time ago revealed, the study says, irrigation water on the burned skin shown to accelerate the formation of the tissue around the burn site only in within two weeks.

Flowing water can also reduce scar tissue or scar in about six weeks after the incident. He stressed, avoid burns overcome by using toothpaste, soap, soy sauce, ointment, butter, cooking oil, gasoline, oil, and the like. Bahanbahan contains chemicals that may not be received well by the skin. Instead of treating burns, how it can actually damage your skin condition.

Once the wound is cooled, you can consume such drugs paracetamol or anti-inflammatory such as ibuprofen and useful opiods reduce pain. Close burns with a bandage to prevent hypothermia, a condition in the body's mechanism for temperature regulation difficulties overcome cold stress. Padasaat help burn victims, Aditya alert to remind the importance of upper airway injury, especially in children characterized by swelling of the face, nose hair burning, or tightness.

More fat people are happy

Obesity is the most disliked women, so women will be very uncomfortable that the situation is not ideal badanya.
However, scientists believe there is genetic evidence that explains that obese people are often happier than thin body.

In the cartoon or movie character, an obese person is also described as having improved properties jolly and friendly. Scientists from McMaster University in Canada found that a gene called fat gene FTO is also happy.

Researchers at McMaster University, Canada, has investigated whether there is a relationship between obesity and depression by analyzing DNA samples from 17,200 volunteers in 21 countries.

FTO gene is a major genetic contributors to obesity. However, genes can also reduce the risk of depression by 8%, as reported by Dailymail.

The results showed those with the FTO gene (fat gene) showed signs of significantly less depressed than people without the gene FTO. The study findings were confirmed by analyzing the genetic status of patients in three additional international studies

CARE mouth and gums is essential for healthy teeth and your overall health. To keep your teeth as long as possible, to practice proper oral hygiene and learn about the risks associated with oral health is very important. 
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 25 percent of American adults over age 65 have lost all their teeth. How do you maintain your oral health would determine your oral hygiene. In addition, there are other risk factors that may arise due to the oral cavity is not clean 

Mouth Odor 

Having good oral health is essential to avoid bad breath. Bad breath, called halitosis, can result when food particles get stuck in your mouth. Bacteria accumulate and cause an unpleasant smell. Flossing and brushing your teeth with fluoride toothpaste at least twice a day can reduce or prevent bad breath. Brush and clean your tongue every time you brush your teeth because the back of the tongue vulnerable to bacteria. 
Periodontal disease

Good oral health can help prevent periodontal disease. The first stage of periodontal disease is called gingivitis. Gingivitis is triggered by the formation of plaque on your teeth. Plaques will affect your gums, making the gums appear swollen and red. Your gums may bleed when you brush your teeth. If left untreated, gingivitis can progress to periodontitis, which causes the bone and tissue that support your teeth deteriorate. 

Heart Disease 

Good oral health can save your life. Bacteria from your mouth due to improper dental care can enter your bloodstream. It can cause blood clots to form in the arteries, which can lead to stroke or heart attack 
Periodontal Disease 

Jumat, 16 November 2012

Overcoming the Natural Thrush

Thrush is often regarded as a trivial annoyance. 

In fact, repeated thrush is one cause of cancer of the oral cavity.
Almost everyone has experienced thrush aka wounds or lesions that appear in the oral cavity. Usually, canker sores occur or arise in the mucosa of the inner cheek, inner lip, tongue, and palate. Symptoms include pain in the oral cavity, which is then followed by the appearance of the wound.
Thrush is not a dangerous disease like cancer or heart disease. However, the disease is of course quite tortured sufferer. Some people call it a thorn mouth disease. Maybe because it hurts like a thorn swallow.

Although the cause of canker sores is not known for sure, here are 4 causes that can trigger canker sores in the mouth or tongue.

Wounds in the mouth.
This is a common cause sores. Sores in the mouth can be caused by food, bitten, or while brushing your teeth. Wound can cause infection and ulcers arise. Get used to always chew food slowly lean and brush your teeth carefully.

Heat In
If we are exposed to heat, our bodies will automatically temperature high enough. Tibuh high temperatures can cause blisters on the inside of the mouth so that it appears sprue.

Is your vitamin needs are met? If not, then this could be one of the other causes of canker sores. The studies also proved Subuah if the person is deficient in vitamin b12 can cause canker sores arise. So make sure that your daily vitamin needs are met, one of them by eating a lemon.

Exposed to Virus or Bacteria
Viruses and bacteria can be nasty attack less terjagi oral hygiene. So be sure to always brush your teeth after meals and before bed to avoid the growth of bacteria in the mouth that causes thrush.
Thrush is very painful, but wound cuman little but make eye pangs berair.Namun below no cure thrush from medicinal plants worth a try.

Treat thrush with coconut water, coconut drink enough water if possible AAU green coconut water.
Honey can also be used for canker sores. fairly applied pda the wound. Usually honey is quite powerful to overcome thrush.
Gum leaf distance, its sap dab on the wound, so that thrush can dry quickly and do not feel sick anymore.
Concoction of guava leaves can also be to treat thrush. How to take 1 handful fresh guava leaf or bud, and 1 finger bark. Then boiled in 1 liter of water. Kenudian strain and drink 2 times a day.
Betel leaf could be to sprue, simply by chewing betel leaf that has been washed. Can be done every day until the thrush is gone.

Not necessarily her fault ..

Until now, the failure of a couple to perform fertilization (Barren) is often blamed on women, but a new case study found that most cases of infertility, infertility, especially if it's not clear why the man's fault. In the UK there are 50,000 couples each year reported asking fertility therapy but more than a third of the doctors did not find any reproductive disorders in patients or commonly referred to as unexplained infertility (unexplained infertility).

Professor Sheena Lewis from the School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences, Queen's University Belfast concluded after observing 239 couples experiencing infertility idiopathic convicted and found that 80 percent of couples who experience the condition is caused by a high sperm DNA damage. "Therefore, prompt and appropriate treatment it can save money, prevent a broken heart and a pair of the most crucial, time-saving. Third pair Because until now have not found the exact cause of infertility, they just diagnosed with 'unexplained infertility'.

This study also found a lucky breakthrough test that the men can immediately detect the condition and allowed to get treatment quickly and also have a high potential for success. This test is also expected to cut the financial and emotional cost of a couple who worked hard to establish their ideal family. The picture for the IVF procedure (IVF) alone cost could reach 3000-5000 pounds with very small success rate because of the 40,000 women in the UK who runs this procedure every year only 1 out of 4 women who successfully have a baby. Moreover, time is also crucial, especially since her biological clock is limited. Tests named SpermComet developed by the team of Dr.. Lewis's works by checking the quality of the DNA in the sperm of a man. Of course, this test is very different from the usual tests done most fertility clinics because they usually just look at the shape, velocity and concentration of male sperm. Quality DNA can be regarded as one of the most important factors of male fertility are still sometimes neglected. And if the sperm is damaged in these conditions, the possibility of fertilization success was small. If it can become pregnant, she would be more likely to experience a miscarriage during childbirth. Currently SpermComet test itself has been offered in a number of fertility clinics in the UK.

Causes of Infertility

Infertility  ? 
Not necessarily her fault ..Until now, the failure of a couple to perform fertilization (Barren) is often blamed on women, but a new case study found that most cases of infertility, infertility, especially if it's not clear why the man's fault.In the UK there are 50,000 couples each year reported asking fertility therapy but more than a third of the doctors did not find any reproductive disorders in patients or commonly referred to as unexplained infertility (unexplained infertility). 

Professor Sheena Lewis from the School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences, Queen's University Belfast concluded after observing 239 couples experiencing infertility idiopathic convicted and found that 80 percent of couples who experience the condition is caused by a high sperm DNA damage."Therefore, prompt and appropriate treatment it can save money, prevent a broken heart and a pair of the most crucial, time-saving. Third pair Because until now have not found the exact cause of infertility, they just diagnosed with 'unexplained infertility'.This study also found a lucky breakthrough test that the men can immediately detect the condition and allowed to get treatment quickly and also have a high potential for success.  

This test is also expected to cut the financial and emotional cost of a couple who worked hard to establish their ideal family.The picture for the IVF procedure (IVF) alone cost could reach 3000-5000 pounds with very small success rate because of the 40,000 women in the UK who runs this procedure every year only 1 out of 4 women who successfully have a baby. Moreover, time is also crucial, especially since her biological clock is limited.Tests named SpermComet developed by the team of Dr.. Lewis's works by checking the quality of the DNA in the sperm of a man. Of course, this test is very different from the usual tests done most fertility clinics because they usually just look at the shape, velocity and concentration of male sperm.Quality DNA can be regarded as one of the most important factors of male fertility are still sometimes neglected. And if the sperm is damaged in these conditions, the possibility of fertilization success was small. If it can become pregnant, she would be more likely to experience a miscarriage during childbirth.Currently SpermComet test itself has been offered in a number of fertility clinics in the UK.

Kamis, 15 November 2012

Honey Bees

Did you know about the benefits of honey as a source of food that God provided for man through this tiny insect? 

Honey is made up of several sugar molecules such as glucose and fructose and a number of minerals such as potassium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, sulfur, chlorine, iron and phosphate. Honey also contains vitamins B1, B2, C, B6 and B3 whose composition varies according to the quality of the nectar and pollen that bees consume the bee itself. In addition, in the honey are also iodine, copper, and zinc in amounts ksedikit, also some types of hormones. Honeybees make honey storage area with a hexagonal shape. A most effective form of storage compared with other geometric shapes. 

Bees use a form that allows them to save the maximum amount of honey by using the least amount of material. The mathematician was amazed to learn that bees are very careful calculation. Another awesome aspect is the way of communication between bees that hard to believe. After finding a food source, bees integrators who is tasked with finding flowers for making honey flew straight into the nest. He tells the other bees the direction angle and distance from the nest to a food source a special dance. Having to pay close attention gesture in dance, eventually the other bees know where these food sources and be able to find it without difficulty. Bees use a very interesting way when building a nest. They started building the storage cells of the honey of different angles, so until they finally met in the middle. Once the work is over, do not look any inconsistency or patchy in these cells.

Humans can not make a perfect design without complex geometric calculations: but the bees do it very easily. This phenomenon proves that the bees were given instructions through "inspiration" from God Almighty as Allah says in Surat an-Nahl verse 68 above. Since millions of years ago have produced honey bees ten times more than they need. The only reason why animals do all the calculations in detail is producing excess honey is so that people can benefit from honey containing "medicine for humans" is. God reveals this bee task in the Qur'an: From the belly of bees that go out drink (honey) of varying colors, in which there is healing for mankind. Verily in this is actually a sign (oversize Rabb) for people who reflect. (Surat an-Nahl, 16: 69) As the word of God, honey is a "healing for men". This scientific fact has been confirmed by scientists who met at the Conference apicultural World (World Apiculture Conference) held on 20 to 26 September 1993 in China. At the conference discussed treatment using ingredients derived from honey. American scientists say that honey, royal jelly, pollen and propolis (bee resin) cure many diseases. A doctor from Romania said that he tried to use honey to treat cataract patients, and 2002 out of 2094 patients recovered completely. Polish doctors also said at the conference that bee resin (bee resin) / Propolis can help cure a variety of diseases such as skin diseases, piles, gynecological diseases and many other diseases

Kamis, 08 November 2012

Natural Skin Care

Every woman must have longed skin soft and fresh. In addition, a healthy clean skin should also be considered. Not only for women but also the men need to maintain healthy skin, though not as complicated as women's care.

Here are some tips or ways to have a healthy skin, soft, clean and fresh.

1. It has long been drinking enough water can help rejuvenate human skin. It is recommended to drink 6-8 glasses of water every day. When the weather is hot or after exercise is recommended to drink more. The skin will retain moisture and drinking enough water also helps rid the body of harmful toxins.

2. Eat foods that have more fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, etc.. Because fiber foods can aid digestion and absorption are more optimal. In addition, to improve the cleaning dirt from our bodies.

3. Besides fiber eat foods that contain antioxidants. Antioxidants may slow the aging of human skin cells. These substances are found mainly in fruits and vegetables.

4. Eat a varied diet. Foods that contain protein and carbohydrates from different sources can prevent fermentation in the large intestine. So it can enhance the absorption of nutrients in the blood.

5. Essential fatty acids (good fats) can maintain the health of our skin. Essential fatty acids can be obtained from green leafy vegetables, vegetable oils (pumpkin, sunflower, sesame), beans, nuts ass, whole grains, fish, mackerel, sardines, salmon.

6. When you wake up in the morning, drink a glass of warm water, followed by drinking nettle tea or warm water with lemon juice. This can help cleanup dirt in our body. And help refresh your body after a long sleep.

7. Avoid very spicy foods and foods that contain lots of salt. Since foods that contain lots of sodium can lead to swelling of the skin.

8. Avoid smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, and caffeine in large quantities. Because it can make our skin dry and dull.

9. Avoid foods that contain a lot of oil or fat is bad, like fried, coconut milk, etc.

10. Regular exercise to maintain a healthy and toned skin. Exercise can also reduce the fats in our body.

11. Protect your skin from the sun directly. Use a moisturizer that helps the skin stay moist and protects the skin from the sun. Protect skin by using a jacket or other protective when extremely hot weather is also important.

12. Use cosmetic products are safe for the skin. There are many people who are allergic to a particular substance. In the event of damage or symptoms that are not right after using cosmetics, immediately consult a trusted dermatologist.

tips on maintaining healthy teeth

1. Avoid drinking coffee and red wine. Usually two drinks that can leave stains on teeth.

2. Eating vegetables can clean teeth. Besides being a healthy snack, vegetables turned out to clean your teeth naturally.

3. Consider your toothbrush. Replace your toothbrush at least once a month.

4. Strawberries turned out to have a natural effect that can whiten teeth because fruit contains high levels of Vitamin C. Be diligent to drink strawberry juice and do not dispose of the waste. Grab it and rub the pulp of the teeth, after settling for a moment, gargle. Do it regularly in order to get maximum results.

5. Brush your teeth regularly every 12 hours is a basic rule that you should do to get white teeth. These habits can protect teeth from plaque and stains are stubborn.

6. Rub lemon peel on the teeth can also whiten your teeth. Do it regularly so that the results can last a long time.

7. Avoid smoking. Smoking is the quickest way to change the color to yellow teeth.

8. Take advantage of dental floss to clean between teeth at least once a day. Dirt is very easy to slip in between your teeth and if not cleaned, will drift into tartar.

9. Use toothpaste that has the formula to whiten teeth as recommended by your doctor.

10. Talk to your dentist at least once a year subscription.

5 Best Food For Your Skin

Our body, including the skin, requiring healthy foods, such as healthy fats, protein proper, fruits, and vegetables. Here's five of the healthiest foods for your skin:

1. Almon.
Consumption handful of almonds a day can increase the levels of vitamin E, an antioxidant important for healthy skin, it also moisturizes dry skin. It also protects the skin from aging, inflammation, and even skin cancer.

2. Green tea.
Three cups of green tea a day can contribute enough antioxidants to your body, so as to fight premature aging and inflammation. The risk of skin cancer will also be substantially reduced. "

3. Broccoli.
Rich in vitamins A, C, and K. Vitamin A can reduce oil production, vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, and vitamin K can help prevent bruises on the skin. So eat this wonderfood.

4. Fish.
For example, salmon and cod are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. It is important diasup because our bodies can not produce it. These fatty acids will nourish the skin, moisturize and prevent irritation, it can even improve the skin from chronic diseases such as atopic dermatitis and rosacea. The fish also contain vitamin D which is good for protecting the skin from the sun. For those who do not like fish can replace it with flaxseed, hazelnuts, walnuts.

5. Sunflower oil.
Contains omega-6 fatty acids such as linoleic acid which is important to prevent dry skin and inflamed. Also vital for the formation of prostaglandins, hormones that keep the body's cells to function properly. To get healthy skin, try salmon consumption plus broccoli, then flush with a little sunflower oil.

Healthy Lifestyle

Just sharing ..
the important thing, to discuss a very important thing, namely Mental Attitude (Mental Attitude) us. Loh? What's wrong with our mental attitude? yes our mental attitude in life style especially for a healthy lifestyle. When we shall seek or attempt to maintain health, we will not succeed if there is no change in mental attitude.

What is a Mental Attitude change it? We all know and understand that in many diseases and illnesses date, no other source of roots is a Lifestyle (Way of Life) is wrong. If we live a healthy lifestyle / right, of the disease will be far from us. Let's see the people who live in an age before or our parents, if many of them have diseases like this now?

Actually a healthy lifestyle / right can be expressed only by 5 (five) sentence:
1. Worship (Always remember to Supreme Creator)
2. Eating foods that appropriate
3. Exercising with appropriate dose
4. Stop smoking and reduce alcohol
5. Mental inner calm and balance (related to point 1).

With five sentences healthy lifestyle rules mentioned above, a variety of diseases, such as high blood pressure, stroke and coronary heart disease, diabetes, reduced tumor risk. Healthy lifestyle can be done without spending any money, so that a healthy lifestyle is actually very easy and the effect was incredible. So why the need for change in mental attitude? Yes mental attitude must be changed from a "treatment" was changed to "the prevention of pain". Due to a healthy lifestyle is making us to always prevent illness.

Benefit Cabbage

cabbage cabbage round is the name given to a popular leaf vegetable plants. Plants by scientific name Brassica oleracea L. Capitata group is used leaves to eat. These leaves are arranged very tightly to form spheres or flattened spheres, called the crop, headers or head (capitata meaning "head"). Cabbage comes from Southern Europe and Western Europe and, although there is no written or archaeological evidence is strong, is considered as a result of breeding to wild cabbage B. oleracea var. sylvestris. The name "cabbage" is taken from French, chou Cabus (literally means "cabbage head"), which was introduced by some Europeans who lived in the Dutch East Indies. The name "cabbage" is taken from the Dutch kool.  

the nutrients and benefits: Fresh cabbage contain lots of vitamins (A, some B, C, and E). The content of Vitamin C is high enough to prevent scurvy (acute sprue). Contained many minerals are potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, and iron. Fresh cabbage also contains a number of compounds that stimulate the formation of glutathione, a substance required to deactivate the toxic substances in the human body. 

Anti-nutrients: As interest other cabbage, cabbage contains a number of compounds that can stimulate the formation of gas in the stomach, causing bloating (goiterogen substances). Cabbage leaves also contain glucosinolates that caused the slightly bitter taste.

Benefit from Beans

Cabbage cabbage round is the name given to a popular leaf vegetable plants. Plants by scientific name Brassica oleracea L. Capitata group is used leaves to eat. These leaves are arranged very tightly to form spheres or flattened spheres, called the crop, headers or head (capitata meaning "head"). Cabbage comes from Southern Europe and Western Europe and, although there is no written or archaeological evidence is strong, is considered as a result of breeding to wild cabbage B. oleracea var. sylvestris. The name "cabbage" is taken from French, chou Cabus (literally means "cabbage head"), which was introduced by some Europeans who lived in the Dutch East Indies. The name "cabbage" is taken from the Dutch kool. the nutrients and benefits: Fresh cabbage contain lots of vitamins (A, some B, C, and E). The content of Vitamin C is high enough to prevent scurvy (acute sprue). Contained many minerals are potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, and iron. Fresh cabbage also contains a number of compounds that stimulate the formation of glutathione, a substance required to deactivate the toxic substances in the human body. Anti-nutrients: As interest other cabbage, cabbage contains a number of compounds that can stimulate the formation of gas in the stomach, causing bloating (goiterogen substances). Cabbage leaves also contain glucosinolates that caused the slightly bitter taste.

Benefit from potato

Benefit Potato : 
Remove the black stain black stains on the skin is one of the problems often suffered by women. To remove it, you can try to wash your face daily with potato juice. Use 2-3 potatoes already peeled the potatoes for making juice. 

Disguise eye bags Many women spend a lot of money just to buy beauty products that claim to disguise eye bags, but only with potatoes concerns are resolved. Potatoes are known to have catecholase substances that can brighten the skin and camouflage circles around your eyes. The trick, cut a raw potato slices and place on top of a thin layer of cheese, then save it under your eyes for 20 minutes. 
Do it every day to get the maximum benefit. Potato Cleanser Cleanser is one beauty product that is needed by a woman to her face. If you often use a cleanser, it does not hurt to make your own cleanser from natural ingredients such as potatoes, cucumbers, eggs and baking soda. To make it, parutlah potatoes and cucumber without peeling the skin and mix the two. After that, add a teaspoon of baking soda, one egg and a quarter cup of water, then blend for about a minute on low speed. Before using homemade cleanser, wash your face firsand dry with a soft towel. 
Mask To make a mask for the face, you can start with a few pieces of grated potatoes. Then rub and rub the grated potatoes into your skin until evenly distributed. Do it carefully and give more attention to the parts of the most severe. Let's stick to the potato mask on your face for 30 minutes. After that, wash your face mask attached with clean water plus a little vinegar. Addition will help soften the skin, use a face mask every day will also take you to the atmosphere of relaxation.

Natural diet

vegetables and fruits are very good for a natural diet.

Detoxification by removing impurities and toxins from the body a few times a year is recommended for all people. Poor diet and chemicals in the water or the food we eat can cause toxins that accumulate in the body. Therefore, detoxification is highly recommended to eliminate toxins from the body. One way is with a detox diet raw food. 
The process of this diet include eliminating all processed foods, including meats. 

Here are some of the benefits of fruits and vegetables are good to eat during a detox diet raw food:

1. Wine The benefits of wine are: 
 a. Rich in antioxidants 

 b. Helps fight disease 
 c. Eliminate toxins 
 d. Improve blood circulation 
 e. Rich in vitamin B and potassium 
 f. Increase Energy 

2. Apricots Benefits apricot: 
 a. Stimulates the kidneys 
 b. Reducing the risk of urinary tract infections 
 c. It has a mild laxative effect as 
 d. Good for digestion 
 e. Contains high iron f. Effective for skin problems such as sunburn and eczema 

 3. Artichoke The benefits of artichoke are: 
 a. It has a diuretic effect 
 b. Improve liver function 
 c. Rich in iron, copper, zinc, magnesium, calcium, and manganese 

 4. Orange juice / Lemon Benefits of lemon / lime juice: 
 a. Rich in antioxidants 
 b. High in vitamin C 
 c. Boost the immune system 
 d. Reduce the risk of colds and infections 

 5. Celery Benefits of celery are: 
 a. Helps detoxify the blood 
 b. Rich in vitamin C, potassium, and fiber 

 6. Asparagus The benefits of asparagus:  
 a. It has a cleansing effect as 
 b. Diuretic effect 
 c. As a moderate laxative 
 d. Rich in various vitamins and minerals 
 e. Good source of fiber 

 7. Parsley / Parsley Benefits of Parsley: 
 a. Improves digestion 
 b. Reduces inflammation 
 c. Diuretic effect 
 d. Eliminate toxins 
 e. Rich in vitamins A and C f. Beta carotene and folic acid is high 

 8. Onions Benefits of onions: 
 a. Improve liver function 
 b. Relieve Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and colds 
 c. Pre-biotic natural good bacteria in the digestive support The combination of raw fruits and vegetables high amounts for each day detox diet will help increase energy, lose weight, and feeling good overall. Before doing a raw food diet as part of a detox diet you should consult with a health care professional to ensure safety

Senin, 05 November 2012

Benefit from Sprouts

Sprouts are one of the many vegetables used as ingredients for cooking. It was unique not necessarily make people go away. Benefits sprouts are very good for you. So for fans of bean sprouts, is not wrong if you make sprouts daily menu.      

One of the benefits of sprouts is believed to increase fertility. For patients with hypertension, sprouts are also believed to be able to address one of these degenerative diseases. In addition, sprouts are also known to have enough nutrients.      
Bean sprouts are a source of essential amino acids that are known to have potential and a better composition than in soybean. Bean sprouts derived from soybeans are considered to have the advantage of energy content, fat, vitamins A and C it contains.  
In addition, sprouts are also a source of vitamin E, which makes it is believed to increase fertility. The content of vitamin E was also able to protect the body from free radicals. Aside from being an antioxidant, vitamin E is also believed to prevent premature aging.      Other benefits include bean sprouts prevent cancer. Sprouts has a lot of fiber and water into a force for fighting cancer. Bean sprouts can prevent the buildup of toxins in the colon that can stimulate cancer seed.      To prevent heart attacks and strokes can also be overcome by eating bean sprouts. Saponin content of the sprouts were able mengancurhan bad fats. For that, people at risk of stroke and heart attack, it is advisable to consume lots of bean sprouts.      Benefits sprouts were also able to prevent osteoporosis, improve the immune system, both for beauty, help prevent breast cancer, overcoming premenstrual disorders and others. Good luck.

Benefit from Lettuce

Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) is a plant commonly grown vegetable in temperate regions and the tropics. The primary use is as a salad. Lettuce production world is estimated at 3 million tons, grown on more than 300,000 ha of land. 

There are four groups of cultivated lettuce: 
  1. capitata, crisp head lettuce (crisphead, iceberg) and head of butter (butterhead) 
  2. longifolia, cos lettuce (romaine) 
  3. crispa, loose leaf lettuce 
  4. asparagine, lettuce stems The lettuce has a mineral content, including iodine, phosphorus, iron, copper, cobalt, zinc, calcium, manganese, and pottsaium, so that lettuce has the best efficacy in maintaining body balance. 
The outer shell of the green is the most excellent. 
 Cooked slowly for 15 minutes a cure insomnia. 

Benefits of lettuce for the body: 
  1. able to help the formation of white blood cells and red blood cells in the order sum - sum of bone 
  2. reduce the risk of cancer and tumors 
  3. reduce the risk of cataracts 
  4. helps the digestive and health of organs - organs around the liver 
  5. eliminate anemia 
  6. help the healing process for patients who had a stroke and heart problems 
relieve symptoms of insomnia The content of lettuce useful: 
  • mineral 
  • vitamin 
  • antioxidants 
  • potassium 
  • Iron 
  • folate 
  • carotene 
  • vitamin C 
vitamin E Tips on choosing a good lettuce: 
  1. choose leaves that are still green lettuce and fresh, and the handling, you should not get torn lettuce leaves so that the content in it is not quickly evaporate out / missing 
  2. before eating, wash the lettuce with clean running water for bacteria and pesticide residue still attached vented along with the flow of water

Benefit from Pare

Plants pare (Momordica charabtia) were from Asia Tropical, but not certain since when the plant goes into Indonesian territory. Pare the current crop is cultivated in many parts of the archipelago. Generally, cultivation done as a sideline. Pare planted in their yards, or moor, or in the former rice fields as penyelang in the dry season. 

There is a row of plants pare the name, for example: pariah, parea, pepareh, popare, papari, pepare, pariane, kambeh, paya, prieu, Foria, pariak, paliak, truwuk, Paita, Poya, Pudu, pentoe, beleng-big, Pania , pepule, kakariano, and taparipong. It is showing any, plants pare already scattered across the area. Only, there are still many unknown, pare it can be used to cure some diseases and improve human health. 

Pare shrub belonging annuals, whose life is creeping or climbing, with spiral tendrils. Single leaves, hairy, hand-shaped curve, and 10 cm long stemmed. The flowers are yellow-light. Massive trunk has five ribs, furry little rough when I was younger, but after the old bald, green color. 

The fruit buni, elongated oval, green, yellow to orange, and it was bitter. Seeds hard, yellowish brown color. Efficacy Fruit 
  1. 1. Dysentery Take 2 pieces of fresh bitter melon, wash and cut into pieces. Add a quarter cup water, and blend. Brewed and squeeze. Please drink 2 times a day. 
  2. Diabetes Take 2 pieces of pare, wash and mash. Add half cup water. Stir and squeeze. Drink potions as much as 1 day. Repeated for 2 weeks.
  3. Breast enhancer Take 1 piece of pare, wash, then boil a few minutes. Used as a salad.
  4. Ulcer Pare used as an external medicine. Take 1 piece fresh and then crushed. Borehkan on the famous ulcers.
  5. Bronchitis Provide pare 2-3, then captured the juice. Give 1 tablespoon honey. Drink once a day. Do it for 3 months. This recipe is also good to cure anemia, gastritis, liver pain, menstrual pain, rheumatism, and slimming.
Efficacy Leaves 
  1. Boils and pinworms Take 1 handful of fresh leaves, given a quarter cup of water and blend. Filter with gauze. If necessary, add a little salt, palm sugar, and lime juice. Drink a quarter cup once a day. Do it for 1 week.
  2. Puerperal fever Take 3 fresh bitter melon leaves, washed, and mash. Add a glass of water and a little salt, then pour. Squeeze and strain and drink 2 times a day as much as half a glass.
  3. Breast enhancer Provide pare 2 leaves and heat for a while. Compress the breast.
  4. Pain in the liver Provide 6 grams of fresh bitter melon leaves, 5 grams of ginger rhizome, and 110 ml of water. Boil all ingredients for 15 minutes, then filtered with gauze and squeeze. Drink once a day. Repeat for 2 weeks.
  5. Lush Hair Take some leaves of fresh bitter melon, wash and knead. Simply applied to the child's scalp.
  6. Cough Pick 7 pare fresh leaves, then pour 2 tablespoons of water. After that, squeeze and strain. Drink 2 times a day.
  7. Scar Rinse a handful of fresh bitter melon leaves, then mash. Add a little hot water, then wring it out. Mix the juice with 2 tablespoons of rice flour and stir until evenly distributed. Borehkan on the scar every day. 
  8.  Hemorrhoids Take 5 pare fresh leaves, add a quarter cup of water, bring to a boil and squeeze. Take 3 tablespoons of the juice of it, and then mixed with a glass of liquid yogurt. Drink every morning.
  9.  Sterility Take 27 grams of fresh bitter melon leaf extract, 7 grains of black pepper, 3 cloves of garlic, and 27 grams of sugar. All materials are crushed, then add a glass of clean water. Bring to a boil and squeeze. Drinking the juice every day for 3-4 months.
  10. Skin disease Make 1 cup of bitter melon leaf extract. Way, take 3 leaves pare plus a half cup of water. Bring to a boil and squeeze. Mix the lemon juice with a spoonful of the form of lemon juice. Drink once a day.
  11. Rabun night Pare leaf extract is applied around the eyes. 
Efficacy Roots 
  1. Dysentery Amoeba Take a handful of the roots of bitter melon, add a glass of clean water. Bring to a boil and squeeze. Drink once a day.
  2. Hemorrhoid Take root pare, wash, then mash. Apply this mixture on the hemorrhoid. Pare nutrient content in 100 grams: No. Total nutrient content 1. Calories 29.00 cal 2. Protein 1.10 g.
  3. Fat 0.30 g 
  4. Carbohydrate 6.60 g .
  5. Calcium 45.00 mg 
  6. Phosphorus 64.00 mg .
  7. 1.40 mg of iron .
  8. Vitamin A 180.00 SI .
  9. 0.08 mg Vitamin B .
  10. Vitamin C 52.00 mg 11. Water 91.20 g

Benefit from Broccoli

SURELY, you all know this one kind of vegetable. Typical shape and wrinkles that make vegetables so memorable. Yes, especially if it is not broccoli. 

Broccoli has the Latin name Brassica oleracea. Broccoli is a vegetable belonging to the tribe cabbage (Brassicaceae). The ancient Greeks, a native plant from the middle east region has long been cultivated. And vegetables that contain a lot of vitamin C is becoming known in Indonesia sometime in the 1970s. Until now broccoli is very popular as food. 

It has long been kind of vegetables like cauliflower is believed to have tremendous benefits for health. One is to address all matters stomach. Like other vegetables, broccoli is rich in provitamin A or carotenoids, vitamin E, folic acid and vitamin C. According to some beauty experts, vitamin A in broccoli contain antioxidants are better than that possessed by antioxidant vitamin C. In addition, benefits in skin rejuvenation is very good because evitel revitalizing vitamin A can inhibit and slow down aging of the skin. It is one of the benefits of broccoli. Here are some reviews about the benefits of broccoli and how to get it. 

Overcoming All Stomach Problems Broccoli is helpful in treating constipation. From the most minor problems. 

Broccoli contains nutrients, fivonoid, and fiber. As we all know that fiber is needed by the body to facilitate the digestive process. And fiber in broccoli may help prevent constipation or better known as constipation.

 Recent studies and more specifically the idea that broccoli can reduce the risk of a variety of digestive disorders such as gastritis, gastric infection, and possibly stomach cancer. In a Japanese study, researchers found that eating 70 grams of fresh broccoli every day for 2 months to protect the human family of bacteria-related stomach ulcer disease, gastric infections, and stomach cancer. Substances contained in broccoli is most important to prevent the affairs of the stomach is sulforaphane also able to increase the production of enzymes in the liver. This enzyme plays holding materials carcinogen (causes cancer) and remove it from the cell. In addition, sulforaphane has the ability to kill Helicobacter pylori (the bacteria work bullies stomach). And in the medical world, these germs are the leading cause of injury and cancer, and stomach. 

Prevent damage to blood vessels in diabetes. In addition to the affairs of the stomach, researchers from the University of Warwick believes if sulforaphane have a role in restoring the blood vessels are damaged by high blood sugar (hyperglycemia), which is closely related to diabetes. 

Alzheimer's is a form of dementia (memory loss) is most common among the elderly. Disease sufferers everyday activities. Actually broccoli have long believed to have an important role to cure the disease. Many researchers suspect that broccoli contains compounds antiacetylcholinesterase. In a study conducted by King's College in London, broccoli is considered to have the most powerful antiacetylcholineaterase properties. 

How to Take Benefits of Broccoli 

To get the benefits mentioned above, would not then you can buy and consume broccoli. Then expect to get the benefits. Broccoli has a nice dark green color and coarse-textured clear. 

There are several ways to eat broccoli, so you still get the health benefits. If you love fresh vegetables, broccoli can you direct consumption. Or you can also make it as one of the vegetables and the contents mixed with other vegetables for a salad. Alternatively, you can eat broccoli in the form of juice. 

If you are not too fond of eating right, you can choose to boil it first. But keep in mind, you should not steam or boil the broccoli more than 5 minutes 1 inch above the boiling water. Because sulforaphane content of broccoli can be lost if cooked too long. And please note, the content of sulforaphane in broccoli is higher than in the boiled or steamed broccoli overcooked. 

If you want to wash the broccoli, you should do by washing in cold tap water. And you should not soak the broccoli because the active substances or nutrients can be dissolved in water.