Kamis, 08 November 2012

Healthy Lifestyle

Just sharing ..
the important thing, to discuss a very important thing, namely Mental Attitude (Mental Attitude) us. Loh? What's wrong with our mental attitude? yes our mental attitude in life style especially for a healthy lifestyle. When we shall seek or attempt to maintain health, we will not succeed if there is no change in mental attitude.

What is a Mental Attitude change it? We all know and understand that in many diseases and illnesses date, no other source of roots is a Lifestyle (Way of Life) is wrong. If we live a healthy lifestyle / right, of the disease will be far from us. Let's see the people who live in an age before or our parents, if many of them have diseases like this now?

Actually a healthy lifestyle / right can be expressed only by 5 (five) sentence:
1. Worship (Always remember to Supreme Creator)
2. Eating foods that appropriate
3. Exercising with appropriate dose
4. Stop smoking and reduce alcohol
5. Mental inner calm and balance (related to point 1).

With five sentences healthy lifestyle rules mentioned above, a variety of diseases, such as high blood pressure, stroke and coronary heart disease, diabetes, reduced tumor risk. Healthy lifestyle can be done without spending any money, so that a healthy lifestyle is actually very easy and the effect was incredible. So why the need for change in mental attitude? Yes mental attitude must be changed from a "treatment" was changed to "the prevention of pain". Due to a healthy lifestyle is making us to always prevent illness.

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