Kamis, 15 November 2012

Honey Bees

Did you know about the benefits of honey as a source of food that God provided for man through this tiny insect? 

Honey is made up of several sugar molecules such as glucose and fructose and a number of minerals such as potassium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, sulfur, chlorine, iron and phosphate. Honey also contains vitamins B1, B2, C, B6 and B3 whose composition varies according to the quality of the nectar and pollen that bees consume the bee itself. In addition, in the honey are also iodine, copper, and zinc in amounts ksedikit, also some types of hormones. Honeybees make honey storage area with a hexagonal shape. A most effective form of storage compared with other geometric shapes. 

Bees use a form that allows them to save the maximum amount of honey by using the least amount of material. The mathematician was amazed to learn that bees are very careful calculation. Another awesome aspect is the way of communication between bees that hard to believe. After finding a food source, bees integrators who is tasked with finding flowers for making honey flew straight into the nest. He tells the other bees the direction angle and distance from the nest to a food source a special dance. Having to pay close attention gesture in dance, eventually the other bees know where these food sources and be able to find it without difficulty. Bees use a very interesting way when building a nest. They started building the storage cells of the honey of different angles, so until they finally met in the middle. Once the work is over, do not look any inconsistency or patchy in these cells.

Humans can not make a perfect design without complex geometric calculations: but the bees do it very easily. This phenomenon proves that the bees were given instructions through "inspiration" from God Almighty as Allah says in Surat an-Nahl verse 68 above. Since millions of years ago have produced honey bees ten times more than they need. The only reason why animals do all the calculations in detail is producing excess honey is so that people can benefit from honey containing "medicine for humans" is. God reveals this bee task in the Qur'an: From the belly of bees that go out drink (honey) of varying colors, in which there is healing for mankind. Verily in this is actually a sign (oversize Rabb) for people who reflect. (Surat an-Nahl, 16: 69) As the word of God, honey is a "healing for men". This scientific fact has been confirmed by scientists who met at the Conference apicultural World (World Apiculture Conference) held on 20 to 26 September 1993 in China. At the conference discussed treatment using ingredients derived from honey. American scientists say that honey, royal jelly, pollen and propolis (bee resin) cure many diseases. A doctor from Romania said that he tried to use honey to treat cataract patients, and 2002 out of 2094 patients recovered completely. Polish doctors also said at the conference that bee resin (bee resin) / Propolis can help cure a variety of diseases such as skin diseases, piles, gynecological diseases and many other diseases

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