Kamis, 08 November 2012

Natural diet

vegetables and fruits are very good for a natural diet.

Detoxification by removing impurities and toxins from the body a few times a year is recommended for all people. Poor diet and chemicals in the water or the food we eat can cause toxins that accumulate in the body. Therefore, detoxification is highly recommended to eliminate toxins from the body. One way is with a detox diet raw food. 
The process of this diet include eliminating all processed foods, including meats. 

Here are some of the benefits of fruits and vegetables are good to eat during a detox diet raw food:

1. Wine The benefits of wine are: 
 a. Rich in antioxidants 

 b. Helps fight disease 
 c. Eliminate toxins 
 d. Improve blood circulation 
 e. Rich in vitamin B and potassium 
 f. Increase Energy 

2. Apricots Benefits apricot: 
 a. Stimulates the kidneys 
 b. Reducing the risk of urinary tract infections 
 c. It has a mild laxative effect as 
 d. Good for digestion 
 e. Contains high iron f. Effective for skin problems such as sunburn and eczema 

 3. Artichoke The benefits of artichoke are: 
 a. It has a diuretic effect 
 b. Improve liver function 
 c. Rich in iron, copper, zinc, magnesium, calcium, and manganese 

 4. Orange juice / Lemon Benefits of lemon / lime juice: 
 a. Rich in antioxidants 
 b. High in vitamin C 
 c. Boost the immune system 
 d. Reduce the risk of colds and infections 

 5. Celery Benefits of celery are: 
 a. Helps detoxify the blood 
 b. Rich in vitamin C, potassium, and fiber 

 6. Asparagus The benefits of asparagus:  
 a. It has a cleansing effect as 
 b. Diuretic effect 
 c. As a moderate laxative 
 d. Rich in various vitamins and minerals 
 e. Good source of fiber 

 7. Parsley / Parsley Benefits of Parsley: 
 a. Improves digestion 
 b. Reduces inflammation 
 c. Diuretic effect 
 d. Eliminate toxins 
 e. Rich in vitamins A and C f. Beta carotene and folic acid is high 

 8. Onions Benefits of onions: 
 a. Improve liver function 
 b. Relieve Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) and colds 
 c. Pre-biotic natural good bacteria in the digestive support The combination of raw fruits and vegetables high amounts for each day detox diet will help increase energy, lose weight, and feeling good overall. Before doing a raw food diet as part of a detox diet you should consult with a health care professional to ensure safety

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